Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Elder Gibson continues to work on the bookcase, and I played in the kitchen to prep some of our Thanksgiving Day food!

 We gathered together at the Taylor home to celebrate Thanksgiving together.

 Elder Gibson is in charge of the camera and taking photo's, he did a great job

 Sweet Tayler Taylor
 Sister Gibson, 

 Jason and Kiley Bagley

 Sister Briskey
 Sister Mattison
 The boys set up the tables.
 Elder Briskey
 Jase Taylor, and Elder Mattison
 Sister decorated the table.

 Busy bee's in the kitchen!

 Kiley Bagley, and Sister Foy
 Riggen and Easton

 Dallie wearing a cute horse head!
 Sister Mattison, Sister Briskey, and Sister Foy

 Tayler and Jace Taylor

 Love table full of Thanksgiving Day food
Lots of yummy dishes.
 Grateful for the many hands that prepared all this food.

 we had a wonderful time with our missionary family , plus  the Taylor's and Bagley's

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