Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Huffington House

Lots of work everywhere, the Elders are working on the Ranch Office, and the Sister's are working on the Huffington House.

caught this fella on the way to work.
 Clean work, sheetrock removed.

 Now for these walls to be tackled.

 Burning the wood, as we remove it.
 Sister Shaw
 Sister Mattison
We are having a good time working together.
 Sister Gibson

 Turtles out sunning themselves.

 Sister Shaw

 Ranch Office

 Working on the front porch

 Elder Mattison working on the Electrical

 Duct work done

 Looks like an Octopus

 Elder Gibson framing around the duct work.

 Elder Mattison
 Beautiful day to catch some ray's!!!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Huffington House

Monday and the Sister's are working at the Huffington House.
 Sister Foy tearing away the sheetrock.

 Sister Shaw 

 Sister Gibson

Our piles of sheet rock are growing!!
Dumpster ordered but won't bee here until Friday!