Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Years Day!!

Happy New Years!!
Morning sky
We had a wonderful day at Church!! Elder Gibson and I spoke in church about Joy and Spiritual goals.  I had two of my nursery children, move on to 3 yr old class.  So the three nursery children and I played in Nursery.
In the afternoon I took my camera and went for a walk.

 Texas skies are amazing!!
 75 deg and the turtles were out to catch some rays
 The duck's in the ponds are very far away, but cool to see them.
 Ring-necked Duck

 perhaps a Canvasback.

 A winter berry.

 Cool old oak tree!

 Old building not sure if its the Delia School

 Caught this Hawk in flight.

 Ferruginous Hawk

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