Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ranch Office and Huffington House

Lots of material ready for the Ranch Office, today we picked up the metal for the back of the building!  Elder Gibson continues work on the Facia and Soffit.  Looks great.
 Looks great!

 Elder Gibson and the metal for the back wall
 Facia and Soffit 
Very nice.

All the cattle in this field were lined up at the Office

 Cowboys working the Cattle.
 M D and Jace

 Pulled off more siding had to use the scaffolding
did a far as I could reach.
 Elder Foy
 Elder Mattison

 Working on the back deck

 Elder Foy removing the last of the back porch.

 Elder Shaw

Great day lots of work accomplished.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Huffington House and Birthday Dinner

Worked at the Huffington House, and then we headed into Bellmead, for a Birthday Dinner at Heitmiller Steak House.
 Siding is coming off
 It is a dirty job, all the Mud Dauber dirt is loaded behind each strip of siding,
and the Spiders, Hornets are dormant, but still present.
 Elder Allen and Sister Gail Mattison
Happy Birthday Allen!
 Sister Brenda and Elder Gary Shaw
 Elder Howard and Sister Pat Foy
Happy Birthday Howard and Pat!!
Sister Pam and Elder Jeff Gibson
Great Dinner at Heitmiller Steak House.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Hearne, Texas Train Depot Museum

Hearne, Texas has the cutest Train Depot, and it was made into a Museum, so of course another stop!!!
The Curator was the cutest and sweetest lady, she kept us entertained for quite awhile.  We enjoyed visiting with her.

 Train Engine
Hearne Depot
Built in 1901
Moved to new location 2001

 Telegraph office

 Ticket Window
 Paintings of the Train Depot

 This side of the building was the Missouri Pacific Train Station

 and this side is the Southern Pacific Train Station

 Southern Pacific Ticket Window
 Tie Tags

 Love Norman Rockwell

 Transportation of Cotton gave many towns business
 Train Whistle
 Small bale of Cotton

 Hobo Signs

 Coke bottles from the Hearne Coca-Cola Plant

 Oil became big business for all of Texas

 Repairs anyone

 I needed more help!!

 My first Blue Bonnets of the year!!!

 In the Parking lot they moved all of these cool Electrical Poles.
Love the old Incelators
 Track Telephone

 Another Train Engine coming into the Train Station