Friday, February 3, 2017

Exploring The Ranch

Took some time to day to go exploring!!

First stop this morning, I drove over to the pasture were the Sandhill Cranes have been feeding.
When I fist got there they were dancing!! It was awesome, little blurry on the photo's but I tried to capture them in motion!!

 Then they all stopped dancing, because they knew I was watching!!

Then they took flight!
 Closeup of our first Spring flowers!
 Huffington House
 Kiley Bagley and Tayler Taylor
 Our big dumpster arrives!!

 Another little weed with a fun flower!
 now we can move the sheetrock to the dumpster!
 Fun corral we walked over to while exploring!

 Barn Swallow Nest
 Tayler opening the door to the unknown 
And this was what was inside!
 Inside the cool barn

 Melanie and Tayler
 The fun barn
 Looking back towards the old House
 Elder Gibson and I went walking out in the field!!
 Sand Hill Crane Track
 Coyote Track
 Big fossiled clam shells
 not sure if they were a pair or just happend to be washed up together from the creek.

 Signs of spring!
 Beautiful sky!!

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