Monday, December 26, 2016

Ranch Office

Monday morning, rain in the morning, sun at noon, and rain in the afternoon,

 The sky was amazing today, with the rain, and sun, and more rain.
 Elder Gibson prepping the wall for the beam!
 Cows waiting for us to feed them.  They move to the fences when a white truck drive's by.
 we are getting ready to place the beam
we did it in baby steps.

1st step 
2nd step

 3rd step
 4th step
 5th step
 6 step
 the sky was amazing
 The sun is shining through
 Ta Da the beam is inplace!

 Time to set the joist on the right side!
 And there up!

 back to the left side, and more joist!

 Its a lot of work lots of prep work to be done.

 here comes the rain!!
 We are wet, but we did finish the joist on the left side.
It was a great day, we are both very tired!  Its a lot of work.  But we did it!!!

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