Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Fools, A Time to Frolic

Well its April Fools, and First Session of General Conference.  Started out this morning thinking that the Church had changed the YSA program, but later heard it was an April Fools.  I love that, I took that one hook line and sinker.  I was thinking about all those Young Single Adult Bishops, and how they would get to go back to their wards.  It was a short lived thought!  
We had a beautiful two sessions of General Conference, and Elder Gibson really enjoyed the Priesthood Session a well.
 Texas Dandelion
 Spider wort flower

 The girls all gathered together for a fun waffle party.
While the men went to the Priesthood Session.
 Sister Mattison and Kiley Bagley
 Dallie and Sister Briskey
 Tayler Taylor
 Fun times

 The youngest Kolt


We had great time together, fun friends, and great to be with the little ones!

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