Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Years Eve Party

Happy New Years!!!
We had a party at the Bagley's home.  Waffles, and lots of goodies.
The Foy's made it home safely from Nebraska, and we are so glad to have them back!!
 Blurry photo, but Elder Foy and Elder Gibson
and some of the yummy treats ready to dine!!!
 Kiley, Jason, Sister Foy, & Dallie,Ryder, and Kache
 Sister Foy, Tayler, Dallie, Ryder
Sister Foy made her yummy Buttermilk Waffles, and Homemade Buttermilk Syrup.
Kache and Jason
Yummy waffle perfectly ready to eat!!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Ranch Office

More work on the roof!
 Built the eaves and facia on the left side of the roof.

 Right side of the roof still waiting for sheets of plywood.
 Building the eaves on the left side front of the roof.

 Eaves extended and ready to cut.
 Elder Gibson hard at work.
Both sides of the eaves are built, facia is in place.
Started first row of plywood.

It is amazing to see your hard work.  This has been a very hard week.
but we did accomplish the task.  I know that Elder Gibson wanted to have the roof completely sheeted, but I ran out of energy.  So next week we should have it complete.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ranch Office

Thursday, we both are up and ready to work on the roof again.
 So we finished the Eaves this morning!
 both sides are complete on the left side of the building!
 Blocking in place, ready to sheet.
 First row of plywood started
 Elder Gibson working on the second row
I'm below lifting up the plywood!
 Except when I run down stairs to take the photo's!!!

 Kache and Ridder showed up to help me lift the plywood up to Elder Gibson
because of their help we got a lot farther along than I though we would.
I was not sure how I was going to lift the plywood up without help.
 Great team!!!
Elder Gibson, Kache, and Ridder!!!
 Beautiful ending to the day!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Ranch Office

Wednesday, more work on the roof.
Now that the joist are set, we have blocking to do, and building the eaves and facia.
Lots of cutting and nailing!!!!
 Working on the left side, adding the 2x4's to create the facia.
 added the blocking!
 Eaves in place!

 Another day done, tired, and sore.
 Beautiful sunset!!

 The clouds laid out in this cool pattern.
all fanned out.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Ranch Office

Tuesday, and we are back to work!

 We are hoping to finish the placement of the joist on the right side.
First we have to prepare the joist for placement.
 waiting for the last joist.
 joist loaded and ready to set on the wall.
Another busy day.  We have all the joist set.
This is a great thing, my arms hurt, and I have so many slivers.

 This beautiful Heron was at the pond on the way home!

And this one was searching for a little dinner!!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Ranch Office

Monday morning, rain in the morning, sun at noon, and rain in the afternoon,

 The sky was amazing today, with the rain, and sun, and more rain.
 Elder Gibson prepping the wall for the beam!
 Cows waiting for us to feed them.  They move to the fences when a white truck drive's by.
 we are getting ready to place the beam
we did it in baby steps.

1st step 
2nd step

 3rd step
 4th step
 5th step
 6 step
 the sky was amazing
 The sun is shining through
 Ta Da the beam is inplace!

 Time to set the joist on the right side!
 And there up!

 back to the left side, and more joist!

 Its a lot of work lots of prep work to be done.

 here comes the rain!!
 We are wet, but we did finish the joist on the left side.
It was a great day, we are both very tired!  Its a lot of work.  But we did it!!!