Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday Missionary Family Night!

First of the day a Snake was dead on the road!  The best kind
 Water Moccasin

 They are a very bad snake poisonous 
 December 12 and my first fall leaves
 We traveled over to Groesbeck to deliver a 12 days of christmas package
and we stopped to load the address in our gps.
and this fun mosaic building was at the stop.
 Cute wall
 They even had statues, and all types of glass
 I liked it it would be fun to play I spy!!

 Back at the Crawford home, the sink was installed
 The vanity was installed as well
 And the laundry sink!

 Elder Briskey and Elder Gibson
working away!
 The mirrors are installed

 Tonight the missionaries gathered together for a family home evening.
and a white elephant game.

 Sister Shaw liked my chocolate coved cherries!

 Elder Briskey opens a delightful gift.
A sunday bonnet!!

 This is our great team!

 Tonights Super Moon!!

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