Saturday, February 25, 2017

George Bush Library, College Station, Texas

Our adventure to the George W Bush Library in College Station, Texas.
It was a very nice Presidential Library, and Museum.
 Welcome to the George H W Bush Library

 41st President George Bush

 First Lady Barbara Bush

Silver locket and charm bracelet gift to Barbara from her mother,
Pauline Pierce.

 Pierce family dinner ware
 Bush Family

 Aircraft Camera, and Kodak Film

 Barbara's Wedding Dress
Mrs and Mr Bush

 A little chat with President Bush

 Elder Gibson

 Some of the Elephant Collection!

 Sister Gibson sitting at the Presidential Desk
in the Oval Office

 Elder Gibson at the helm

 Camp David office

 The Berlin Wall

 Desert Shield -Desert Storm

 Coke- rock-hard oil fire residue/ vase filled with mixture of oil and sand.
taken from the Kuwaiti oil well fire.

 I liked this painting
notice the past presidents looking down on America


 Gifts given to the President of the United States
during his time of service.

 First Lady Barbara Bush
We had a wonderful time, this is our third Presidential Library to visit.

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