Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Huffington House

Fun day to work, it was hot today, and very moist.  But we continue to tackle the sheetrock at the Huffington House.
 This is called a Century Cactus
This one is very tall.
This is a photo of a Century Tree taking when it was in bloom.

 Kill Deer
 This morning's sky
a little moisture with the clouds.
 Sister Shaw tackling a downed tree.
 Sister Foy back to work
 Sister Shaw  working on the closet.
 Sister Gibson in the corner

 Hawk flying by.

 Look down, there is dust coming down from the ceiling!

 warm day brings out the critters
these Fire Ants were working hard.
 Back of the Huffington House
 Front of the Huffington House

 Henbit, a weed with tiny purple flowers, have appeared all around the grass.
 More turtles 

 Great day to play!!

 Mocking Bird
 Fun photo shoot with the neighbors cow's.

 This cute little calf wanted a photo moment also.

 Sand Piper
 King Fisher

 A clip of the moon.

Good Night!!

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