Friday, May 26, 2017

Critters, Sky, Flowers, and Fun

This has been a fun week, full of critters, beautiful skies, and wonderful flowers.
 On the way home from work today Jeff found this little baby pond turtle crossing the road.

 It looks big but is rather small about the size of a turkey egg
 Beautiful cloud formation

 Night sky with colors
 lots of humidity in the air
camera would not focus
 Barred Owl

 Sun Dogs on the clouds
 very colorful
 My little pond turtle
It is a Yellow Slider Turtle
 Cactus in bloom

 I love the Texas skies
 Storm a coming
 fun cloud's
 Look real close and you can see the rainbow

another shot at the rainbow

 morning mushrooms after the rain

 Scissor Tail Flycatcher

 Cactus Flower

 Century plant is blooming

 Swallowtail Butterfly

 Release of the little baby pond turtle

 I took this little guy back to the pond today.

 So my turtle swam around in the small pond, it was fun to watch,
then it swam into the growth and hid itself.

 The Barred Owl is back today and very beautiful

 Still rain runoff 
 Barred Owl
 Kill Deer

 One Gladiola Flower at the 102 house
 In the morning the Thistle's are beautiful

 Cara Cara

 Young Leopard Frog

 Huge Crawdad, finishing its mud tower
 Closing up the opening
 Sweet Pea
 Crawdad Tower plugged
This small Crayfish was caught in the water, outside its tunnel

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