Thursday, May 18, 2017

Wildlife and Flowers

At lunch time I played with the camera and snapped some photo's.
 Agave plant
Century Plant
 Were are lucky to see another Century plant bloom
This amazing Agave plant supposedly only blooms once!
 The big cactus's are blooming also

 Scissor Tail Flycatcher
 just as I pulled into the Huffington House
the Cattle Egret's flew into pasture!

 Red Eared Slider

 Just a little sun

 The Pecan grove is growing Pecan's

 Trumpet vines with the beautiful trumpet flower


 Elderberry plants

 Mustang Grapes
Edible when purple and used as Olives if picked green and bottled in Vinegar

 Female Jack Rabbit

 They seem to like the corn fields
Prickly Pear Cactus

Fun photo's

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