Saturday, March 18, 2017

Moving Day

So we moved our trailer today from the Fenton home, to the 102 House.
 Time to move our trailer
 This huge slug was under our walk way along with potato bugs, 
or rolly poley's as the grandkids call them!

 Uncovered a huge Red Ant pile
 Fire ants are nasty!
 Its on the move

 And so are we, moving on out!

 Our new location at the 102 house.
 Elder and Sister Shaw offered to help us move some of our
stuff, but their Tire blew out on the way.
 New tire on the road again.
 Neighbors have a Yak
 It was very hot today, and he has lots of burr's on his fur.
poor thing.
 These sweet little sparrows came over to eat the bird seed 
I spilled on the grass!

 Morning Glory

 Christmas Creek

 This beautiful old oak tree
it was huge!

 Wild pig out in the field

 102 Trailer lot, Briskey's and Mattison's Trailers
And on the other side the Gibson Trailer!

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