Friday, March 17, 2017

Ranch Office Sheetrock and Group Activity

And the work continues!!
Beautiful flowers on my way to pick up metal
When I was young my grandfather had us use his lawn mower to mow his yard.
But his was not hooked to a bike like this one.
I would have liked to try this one out!!
Prepping the window's for the metal trim.

Taping the sheetrock

This fun turtle was out for a stroll

Red Eared Slider

Female Cardinal
Barn Owl egg's, and a dead rat
Owl pellets

Fireside tonight at the Hewitt Stake Center
so off to diner before the Fireside.
The Shaw's and The Briskey's
Its so good to have the Briskey's back with us!
 Out to eat at the Texas Roadhouse

 Briskey's and Shaw's
 Gibson's and Mattitson's

Group photo!!

We had a wonderful time at the Fireside.
Great group of missionaries that we serve with!
Its always fun to be together!

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