Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday Work

Well its Friday, and we are glad, its also the end of March.  March as been a wonderful month, lots of work has taken place.
The Elders are all working very hard.  And the sisters gathered together to stain the cedar planks, but we quickly ran out of stain, Sister Gibson, did not think the small container would disappear so quickly.  So we will have to wait for more stain.  But we did start!
 Only two boards were stained sort of, we will go through a lot of stain.
 Back to the office, Sister Gibson prepping the closets for painting.

 Elder Gibson working on the Laundry room/Pantry storage shelves.
 We finished the shelving, next job, priming the walls.

 small Phlox flower

 This cute little flower is called 
 Pink Phlox

 cluster of Oak trees

 Far out this lone Coyote

 Walking toward us.

 Cattle following us on our walk
 Night horizon

 Old mushrooms
 Beautiful clip of the moon

can you see the man on the moon!

Night is done, very excited tomorrow is General Conference.
Love General Conference time to refuel, and refresh.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Huffington House

Headed to the Huffington House,
The fields are full of flowers, Blue Bonnet, Indian Paintbrush, and Yellow Mustard Plant.
Its amazing to see these beautiful fields, every thing is so vibrant.

Old cattle head

Huffington House

Window's have arrived

This is called a Texas Dandelion 

Very small bee coved in pollen.
Blue Bonnet

On the way home today, I took a lot of pictures of the butterflies fluttering around the flowers.
Buckeye Butterfly
on a blackberry flower with future blackberries showing.

Lots of Buckeye flying around.

Yellow Star Grass Flower

Dun Skipper
This little guy is as big as a dime.
New oak brush

This was fun, I caught a butterfly on the Blue Bonnet.
Its strange but not to many butterflies like the Blue Bonnet flower.
Another new oak bush, with fun colors.
Texas Yellow Star
This little moth flew into the bush.
Amazing camouflage, can you see me.
New growth it was so pretty!
Greenbriar Vine
Sisters cleaned up the Shop.
It looks great.
Sister Foy and I stained up these sample boards.
Small board is pine, large board is Cedar,
the cedar absorbs the stain.
This Chinaberry tree is so beautiful.