Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Huffington House

March came in like a lion, very windy, made work on the outside difficult.  So we all went to work at the Huffington House, and it was a great day to tackle the day.
First the Sisters removed all the windows, and the Elders worked on other task.
 Beautiful Sister Foy, and a successful window removal

 Sister Foy and Sister Gibson
 Sister Shaw
 Team work, and we sisters can work wonders.

 Elder Mattison Electrical Work
 Sister Foy
 Elder Shaw
 Elder Gibson
 Elder Mattison

 All the windows removed, now to put in new headers and 
build the window to the new sizes.
 Sister Shaw
 Sister Foy and Elder Foy working o the back patio
and future mud room.

 Elder Shaw
 Elder Shaw cut in a new beam to support the roof,
and to reinforce the bearing walls.

 Elder Gibson

 Elder Mattison furring out the wall.
 Lots of clean up
 Building header for the front door.
 Sister Gibson tearing out the old window boards, to prep for Elder Gibson
to build in the new windows

 Elder Foy
 This is the interior of the well
cool lined brick wall

 We are going to break the well.
 Some of the brick that we broke out of the well.
 Clean up!!

Spring is on its way!

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