Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Zone Conference Monday

We are excited to have our Zone Conference with the new directors the Kitchen's.
Our Zone Conference is today, and tomorrow.
The Kitchen's
from Chicago, Illinois
They are our new Mission Directors.
Our rock layers finished the pillars

Kitchen's, Elder Gibson and Jason Bagley Ranch Manager
at the new Ranch Office.
Kitchens went on a tour of the Navasota Ranch with Ranch Manger Jason Bagley as their tour guide.

That night we all met back at the Bagley home for a wonderful dinner.
Our hostess Kiley Bagley and her son Kolt
 Grape Salad
very yummy.
 Elder Kitchen and Elder Gibson
 Sister Kitchen
 Elder Mattison and Elder Gibson
 Sister Shaw, The Kitchen's, Sister Mattison, Elder Shaw.
 Sister Foy, and Sister Mattison
Jason Bagley, Elder Foy and Riggen Bagley
 The Shaw's
 Sister Gibson, and Sister Shaw
Jason and Kiley Bagley, Sister Tina Kitchen, and Elder Pat Kitchen
Kolt Bagley
We had a wonderful dinner with the Bagley family.  It was fun to be together and
to share stories and enjoy each other's company.

Tuesday March 28, 2017
This morning we meet at the 102 House for our Zone Conference Meeting.

Jason Bagley opens the meeting with a greeting of thanks
for sharing our talents and serving a mission at the Navasota Ranch.
Sister Kitchen, Sister Mattison and Sister Foy
 Sister Foy cooked us lunch it was delicious.

Our group of missionaries
Yummy food, great friends
 Jason Bagley and Elder Foy
Group of us setting around the table.
We had such a great time, I forgot to get a photo of the
group before they went home.
So sorry.
We had a great meeting the theme for the meeting was
Sabbath Day and The Sacrament
The spirit was very strong, we also bore our testimonies,
and had an interview with Elder Kitchen.
The Kitchen's our very special spiritual leaders,
we our all very excited to work with them, as they lead us,
and guide us through our mission.

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