Sunday, March 5, 2017

Malad Visitors

We are in for a very exciting week, our friends the Briggs have come to Texas, to visit with Elder Gibson and I.   So excited to spend time with them, and see some sites.

 Arrived on Saturday, so we meet them at the Restaurant, before going to the Ranch.

 Gibson's and the Briggs
Sunday, we went to church at the Mexia Branch, in Mexia Texas.
Loyd, Stephanie Briggs, and the Gibson's

 This morning, woke up to water running from the bathroom.
Soaked our floor, had to tear out the carpet and the pad.
now we just need to dry out the floor.
 Took the Briggs to see some of our work.
The Ranch Office
 Elder Gibson and Loyd Briggs
 Stephanie Briggs
 Two sisters together again!!!

Sunday Dinner together with friends,
The Mattison's, the Brigg's and the Gibson's

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