Thursday, April 6, 2017

Farewell and Hello Dinner

The Foy's are living the missions and the Christensen's are just starting their mission.
So dinner at Groesbeck, Texas at the Austin Steakhouse.

Austins Steakhouse

 Our wonderful group of missionaries

 Sister Pat and Elder Howard Foy
We love the Foy's, they have beautified, and rebuilt the Navasota Ranch.
We will miss them, but we are very excited for their family, to have their Grandparents back.

 Our team of missionaries
Mattison's, Christensen's, Briskey's, Foy's, and the Gibson's.
The Shaw's our in Florida

 The Briskey's

 The Christensen's
 3/4 moon

Limestone County Court House

Veterans Memorial

Original Cornerstone of the Limestone County Courthouse
built in 1891

We saw these two wild pigs coming home from dinner.

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