Monday, April 3, 2017

Staining the Cedar Planks

Purchased the stain for the Cedar Planks.  So off we sisters went to the Shop to stain them.
 Sister Briskey working away
 Sister Gibson, Sister Briskey, and Sister Foy

 Prairie Verbena
 Monarch Butterfly

Bumble Bee
Eastern Black Swallowtail
I waited, an took a lot of photos waiting for it to open up.

It flew away and then back again, it opened this much,
and flew away I thought that was it but I waited again.
This time it flew in and opened all the way catching the sun.
It must be a female for its colors are not as spectacular as the male.
But it was such a vibrant shimmery blue, almost silver.  
I loved it!!
 Emperor Butterfly
 The green vines of all kinds are growing fast, they just climb up a fence pole,
or a tree, and take over.
 Pale Clouded Yellow Butterfly

 Another vine
 All shimmery and new.
 These elusive birds are called Cara Cara,
it is the Mexican National Bird.
I will keep trying to get a photo of them.
 Bull frog peeking out of the water!
 Back at the Ranch Office, Elder Gibson has started to paint.
first the primer

 Done for the day primer is complete

 Buckeye Butterfly

 I snuck up on the bull frog.

 Turkey Vultures

 Indian Blanket

 This is a Black Vulture

Reminds me of the Jungle Book,
When the Beatles were vultures in the tree!

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