Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday Morning Rain and Flooding

We had a wonderful night of Lightning and Thunderstorm with lots of rain.  This morning the water was standing in all the fields, running over the roads, traveling to a new destination.
Elder Gibson had a close call driving over the road that was covered in water.  Thanks to everyone's prayers, he is okay, and will be able to share a scary tale.  I'm glad he is safe.  The water can be dangerous.
 The water is in all the fields

 River has left its banks
 Water traveling over the bride and road

 Another bridge crossing

 Some lilies

 You can see where the water has receded.

 Scissor Tail Fly Catcher

 This is the road that Elder Gibson drove through that was up
to his windshield, thanks to prayers he is fine, and made it through.
 The Navasota River/ Field

 All you see is water, no river.

 You can see the top of the Tank that is now one big water line.
 Mother Cow, protecting its new baby from the storm.
 This is the other way out of our place, and it is covered in water.
No way in or way out!

 Beautiful green color after the rain

 Cottontail enjoying the sprinkles of rain.
 Red Cardinal
pick up some of the bugs.

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