Thursday, June 8, 2017

Evening at the Ranch

Great night for exploring!!
 Beautiful night, its not hot, and the humidity is low!!
 Caterpillar tent
 and lots of caterpillar's inside them
 wild pigs ready to cross the road again.

 I was hoping that her babies would follow her out into the road.
 The Strawberry Moon

 My very first live Armadillo
 I wanted more pictures but it would not hold still.

 then it set on its hind feet and smelled the air.
wish it was not blurry, but it was way cool to see this funny critter
 Last photo of the Armadillo blurry but you can see it was a big guy!!

 My camera has fun taking the moon far away but close up it 
doesn't focus.  The moon had a really cool ring around it!

Hey the Jungle Book vultures!!

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