Saturday, June 10, 2017

West Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion Disaster 2013

West Fertilizer Plant Explosion
Wednesday 17 April 2013, West Texas,
First Alarm at 7:20 pm West Firefighters were called to a structural fire at the West Fertilizer Plant-
buildings were packed with tons of Ammonium Nitrate.
7:47 additional help requested
Ten minutes later, their world exploded and lives in the rural community of 2800 people changed forever when two blasts, seconds apart ripped through the northeastern side of town.

With the strength of a 2.1 earthquake (ten times stronger than the Oklahoma bombing), the explosion left behind a twelve foot deep by ninety-three foot wide crater at the site.  Many believe the elevated railroad embankment sent debris upward and over, thus protecting many homes from a direct hit.

Local residents, clearly heroes, Immediately began rescue efforts alongside firefighters and EMS technicians to set up a triage area at the football field, while emergency vehicles from across the state rushed to the disaster.  Fearing a second explosion, triage was relocated at the West Community Center two miles across town.

Accounts of miracles and the realization of "what could have been" will forever be part of that night's story.  So even in sorrow, our town is thankful.

First Responder Fatalities : 12
Civillian Fatalities: 3
People Directly Injured: 260
City Blocks Damaged: 37
Homes Leveled: 120
Homes Damaged: 500
Business Damaged: 9
Schools Damaged: 3
On May 12, 2016 after a three year investigation it was determined that the explosion was a criminal act; someone deliberately set the plant fire which resulted in the explosion.
 West Texas Museum 
Memorial for the Fertilizer Plant Explosion
April 17, 2013
 Aerial view of West before explosion
 Aerial after explosion

12 First Time Responders who lost their lived in service.

It was so sad to see and read about these 12 individuals that lost their lives 
to rescue others.

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