Thursday, June 15, 2017

Huffington House

Working at the Huffington House
working on the new front porch
Elder Gibson
Making Stairs
Back Deck
Sister Christensen
Time for some door knobs on the back doors
Sister Gibson

Grasshopper was painted on the wall.
Back Stairs
Elder Gibson
finishing the back siding

A line up of red ants
look closely
The ants go marching two by two

Working on the deck and stairs
Elder Gibson
Elder Christensen
Deck is moving along
The counter tops for the kitchen
Next week counter tops
Elder Gibson working on the stairs
Corn Field and beautiful clouds

Beautiful Deck
Nice Stairs
Elder Gibson more facia and soffit.
Sister Christensen
Covering the front porch
Sanding the deck

Elder Christensen prepping the front deck for sheeting.

Its moving along!!
Elder Christensen ready to sheet the front of the deck.
Sister Christensen

Front soffit
Elder Gibson
Elder Christensen
All sanded
Team work we put the vacuum together
Sister Gibson and Sister Christensen
lots of work and it never ends
Facia on the front of the house.
Just back from lunch, change of cloths, we sweat so much
your clothes are soaked.
Picture time
Siding on the stairs
Way nice!

Elder Gibson and I had to go to Scout and Young Womens Camp, and the Branch Camp out.
Elder and Sister Christensen, got a call from the Carpet Layers that they would be here today.
Yea!!!  Carpet.  Pictures next week.  Lots of work in both places!!!

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