Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Back to the Ranch

Hello Everyone, welcome back to the Ranch, its good to be home, but I miss my family a lot.  Hello's are wonderful good bye's are hard.  Love each one of them!!!
Lots of work has taken place while I have been gone.  Our amazing group of missionaries work so hard.  And the work is beautiful!!!

Ranch Office

 Beautiful Ranch Office
 Finished back door, ready to pour cement
 New floor down

 Bathroom plumbing 

 Elder Gibson

 Mr Crye's pond
Mr Crye's Trailer has been removed

 All the interior doors for the Office are ready to hang

 Beautiful doors have been laquered

 Trim for the pillars
 Cedar waiting to be stained.
 Fenton house getting a new septic tank

 Ready to clean up some houses!!!
Huffington House

 Deck is down on the back porch.

 Finish trim is up and doors installed
waiting for the paint
 floor has been leveled and plywood placed
 Elder Christensen finished all the shelving
 Pantry shelves 
 Interior doors ready for a coat of paint.

 Bedroom closets

 Elder Christensen and Elder Gibson

 Ladder for roof storage

 Foam insulation in place looks great!

 Snapping Turtle

 Wild pigs

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