Friday, May 12, 2017

Briskey's Headed Back to Utah

The Briskey's loaded up their trailer's, and our headed back to Utah today!
It is so sad to let them go!!  We wish them a safe trip home!  And excited for their next adventure to
serve another mission in Florida!!
 Briskey's Trailer
Tree Swallow
 Hooking up the Truck
 little beetle 
 Elder and Sister Shaw, Sister Briskey and Elder Gibson
 Sister Gibson, Sister Briskey, and Elder Gibson
 The Briskey's
 So hard to say good bye

 The boy's are driving the truck and trailer
 Briskey's in the truck pulling the R V
 Good Bye

 No trailers left, the Mattison's have gone and now the Briskey's

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