Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Worked part of the day, and had a wonderful evening activity with the Taylor's and Bagley's, at the Taylor's home.  And fun adventures.
 Beautiful Gladiola 
Perfect for Memorial Day
 Air is so humid the mushrooms are popping up all over the grass.

 We caught this Raccoon last night.
 And this Opossum this morning
 The possum headed to its new home.
 And on the other side this family of Wild Pigs were crossing the road.

 There was about 12 pigs that crossed.
 Cool Caterpillar find its way to food.
 Female Cardinal out looking for the worm.

 Taylor's home has lots of Swallow nest, this one had 4 babies,
and the nest was very full
Mushrooms in the Taylor's Yard
 This Mushroom was red

 Beautiful Eastern Kingbird building a nest.

 More large mushrooms.
We had a wonderful dinner, at he Taylor's, I did not take any photo's which is very strange.  But we had a great time just visiting!!

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