Thursday, May 11, 2017

Our Home Gets Help

When we traveled to the mission we had a special miracle occur.  Our 5th well hitch broke, and we limped our way to Texas.  The miracle is that this trailer even made it to Texas.  We had a lot of heavenly help to protect us while we pulled the trailer to Texas.  Elder Briskey wanted to weld our hitch back together for us before they leave.  So today a miracle occurred and we have a trailer that we can now safely pull to Oklahoma when we travel there in July!
 First task is to pull the trailer apart and figure out where its broke
 Finding lots of rot
 pulling off more of the trailer
 looking for the metal frame that holds the hitch

Elder Briskey 
 Beetle came to see what's going on

 Cutting away the metal

This was the biggest break in the metal. Yikes!!!

 Elder Briskey working on the broken frame
 Welding it together

 This side is not broke through all the way.

Elder Gibson

Brady, Elder Gibson, Ken
Putting our trailer siding back together.

Side sealed back up
Looks great siding back on this side as well
Work is all done, now we just need to put it back together.
We love the Briskey's and we are so grateful for their help in repairing
our trailer.

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