Saturday, May 13, 2017

Jewett Texas

Saturday and time to play, we are headed to Jewett Texas, to go to the Flea Market.
 Energy Smoke Stacks on the way to Jewett

 Limestone County Electrical Power Station

 This is an open pit mine

 Beautiful Iris

 We found the Taylors at the Flea Market
 Thinking about a puppy!

 This cute puppy looks just like a kitten!!
 The Shaw's and The Christensen's were also at the Flea Market

 Fun to meet up and have a group photo
 Sister Mattison would love this!!
Baby Racoon

The Taylor's bought a puppy

 The Train runs right through town
We stopped at the Jewett Museum
Its a tiny little museum
but lots of fun things to see!

very poor picture but this is a fossilized Mammoth Tooth

Eagle Scout Park
with lots of sculptures
 you get to decide what each one looks like

Jewett is a fun little town, the sculptures are also through the town, and I took some pictures of those on our last visit.

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